

想要在瀏覽器中分析一些 Rust 程式碼嗎?沒問題!您可以使用 performance.now() API 和相關功能來取得時間資訊,以了解事情需要花費多少時間。


# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};

use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

// lifted from the `console_log` example
extern "C" {
    #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
    fn log(a: &str);

macro_rules! console_log {
    ($($t:tt)*) => (log(&format_args!($($t)*).to_string()))

fn run() {
    let window = web_sys::window().expect("should have a window in this context");
    let performance = window
        .expect("performance should be available");

    console_log!("the current time (in ms) is {}", performance.now());

    let start = perf_to_system(performance.timing().request_start());
    let end = perf_to_system(performance.timing().response_end());

    console_log!("request started at {}", humantime::format_rfc3339(start));
    console_log!("request ended at {}", humantime::format_rfc3339(end));

fn perf_to_system(amt: f64) -> SystemTime {
    let secs = (amt as u64) / 1_000;
    let nanos = (((amt as u64) % 1_000) as u32) * 1_000_000;
    UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(secs, nanos)
