的其中一個功能是您可以將在 Rust 中定義的閉包傳遞給 JS。不過,這有時可能會有點棘手,因此此處的範例示範如何使用閉包與一些標準的 Web API 互動。
# #![allow(unused_variables)] #fn main() { use js_sys::{Array, Date}; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; use web_sys::{Document, Element, HtmlElement, Window}; #[wasm_bindgen(start)] fn run() -> Result<(), JsValue> { let window = web_sys::window().expect("should have a window in this context"); let document = window.document().expect("window should have a document"); // One of the first interesting things we can do with closures is simply // access stack data in Rust! let array = Array::new(); array.push(&"Hello".into()); array.push(&1.into()); let mut first_item = None; array.for_each(&mut |obj, idx, _arr| match idx { 0 => { assert_eq!(obj, "Hello"); first_item = obj.as_string(); } 1 => assert_eq!(obj, 1), _ => panic!("unknown index: {}", idx), }); assert_eq!(first_item, Some("Hello".to_string())); // Below are some more advanced usages of the `Closure` type for closures // that need to live beyond our function call. setup_clock(&window, &document)?; setup_clicker(&document); // And now that our demo is ready to go let's switch things up so // everything is displayed and our loading prompt is hidden. document .get_element_by_id("loading") .expect("should have #loading on the page") .dyn_ref::<HtmlElement>() .expect("#loading should be an `HtmlElement`") .style() .set_property("display", "none")?; document .get_element_by_id("script") .expect("should have #script on the page") .dyn_ref::<HtmlElement>() .expect("#script should be an `HtmlElement`") .style() .set_property("display", "block")?; Ok(()) } // Set up a clock on our page and update it each second to ensure it's got // an accurate date. // // Note the usage of `Closure` here because the closure is "long lived", // basically meaning it has to persist beyond the call to this one function. // Also of note here is the `.as_ref().unchecked_ref()` chain, which is how // you can extract `&Function`, what `web-sys` expects, from a `Closure` // which only hands you `&JsValue` via `AsRef`. fn setup_clock(window: &Window, document: &Document) -> Result<(), JsValue> { let current_time = document .get_element_by_id("current-time") .expect("should have #current-time on the page"); update_time(¤t_time); let a = Closure::<dyn Fn()>::new(move || update_time(¤t_time)); window .set_interval_with_callback_and_timeout_and_arguments_0(a.as_ref().unchecked_ref(), 1000)?; fn update_time(current_time: &Element) { current_time.set_inner_html(&String::from( Date::new_0().to_locale_string("en-GB", &JsValue::undefined()), )); } // The instance of `Closure` that we created will invalidate its // corresponding JS callback whenever it is dropped, so if we were to // normally return from `setup_clock` then our registered closure will // raise an exception when invoked. // // Normally we'd store the handle to later get dropped at an appropriate // time but for now we want it to be a global handler so we use the // `forget` method to drop it without invalidating the closure. Note that // this is leaking memory in Rust, so this should be done judiciously! a.forget(); Ok(()) } // We also want to count the number of times that our green square has been // clicked. Our callback will update the `#num-clicks` div. // // This is pretty similar above, but showing how closures can also implement // `FnMut()`. fn setup_clicker(document: &Document) { let num_clicks = document .get_element_by_id("num-clicks") .expect("should have #num-clicks on the page"); let mut clicks = 0; let a = Closure::<dyn FnMut()>::new(move || { clicks += 1; num_clicks.set_inner_html(&clicks.to_string()); }); document .get_element_by_id("green-square") .expect("should have #green-square on the page") .dyn_ref::<HtmlElement>() .expect("#green-square be an `HtmlElement`") .set_onclick(Some(a.as_ref().unchecked_ref())); // See comments in `setup_clock` above for why we use `a.forget()`. a.forget(); } #}